Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Test can be very difficult. Teachers try not to make them difficult but some times its the subject that you are learning is difficult. You either study for test very hard or never study. If you are one of those students that study for every test, good job. Keep doing that. If you are one of those students that don't study and wonder why I fail the test, my advice is study. Even if you only study for one hour that is good. For every student, study. Test are only difficult when you don't study. Some times they are also hard when you study but you do better on the tests. Even if test are hard after you studied, you at least know part of the test. When you study test become easier. One thing to remember is test are only impossible to finish if you don't pay attention in class and if you don't study. Pay attention and Study!!! :)

Last Week

The last week of school is the best. It is also the most stressful week. On one hand, you don’t have to worry about classes, studying, homework, and teachers/professors. You’re happy to be almost on vacation. You’re excited to go out late and not have to be home studying for your test. On the other hand, you are very stressful because you have three or four final all in one week and you only have a week left to study. In that week you do not know what to study for. What you have to remember and what you don’t need to know. You are also stressed because the grade on your final might make you pass the class or fail the class. You have so many things on your mind that you go crazy. At the end of week when you’re done with all of your class you are very happy. You are happy that you are done with all of your finals and you can relax. My advice is don't stress out. Also don't think about the summer. Only think about your exams. If you focus on your exams you will do better then if you were thinking about the summer.  

First Week

The first week of school is the worst. You do not know what to expect. You have new teachers, new classes, and new people to meet. You do not know how your teachers/professors are going to be like. Are they going to be nice or mean? Are you going to like them? Are they going to like you? Are you going to do well in the class or are you going to fail? Are you going to make new friends? My advice is choose your new friends wisely because the friends that you choose the first week are going to be the ones that you are going to talk to all semester and the ones that you call when you need help in the class. A good way to get on the teachers/professors good side is always show up to class. Also ask questions if you have any. Teachers/professors like it when they see the students everyday at class and when students ask questions. They know that you are paying attention and want to do well in the class. With this advice you can turn your first week of school from being the worst to just another week of school.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Choosing the right friends is hard especially on the first day of school. On the first day of school you don't know any. You don't know which students are going to be your friends and which are just going to be your classmates.

Choosing which desk to sit at on the first day and the people around you are most of the time the friends you having through the semester. The people that sit next to you are mostly likely going to be your friends in the class and something even out of class. 

Sometimes you choose bad friends. The way to know if you chose bad friends is by how they act around you and behind you. If your friends make fun of you or laugh at you or take advantage of you then they are not your real friends. Choose a friend that we always stand be you, one that we hang out you with in and out of school and someone that is not mean to you.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


 We all hate homework. And most of us think it is pointless. The truth is homework is very helpful. If teachers never gave homework most of us would fail the tests. Homework is a guide of what is going to be on the test. Even though we think homework is a waste of our time, it actually is not. If you don't study for your test and do the homework, when you take your test you know some of the answers to the questions because the same questions were given on the homework. In a way homework is like an extra study guide. My advice is always do your homework. Homework is never pointless. It is extra practice and if teachers didn't give homework and made it optional, most students would not do it. When the test comes and the students complain to the teacher about the test being to hard, then the teacher tells the students that the questions are straight from the homework and the test should be easy because they SHOULD have done there homework. Only then do the students think that they should have done their homework and wish a little that the homework was mandatory so they have no choose but to do it.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Everyone procrastinates. Its is a bad habit. Some people say when they wait to the last minute to finish there work, they do a better good. I am one of those believers. The truth is when you do your work earlier you have more time to edit it and make it into something better. If you are writing a paper, when you start early,  you can have someone reread your paper and give there thoughts. Then you change the paper into something better. When you procrastinate you cannot have someone read your paper and you cannot have second thoughts on changing it in a different way.

We must all stop procrastinating. Even though we get out work done, we have to start earlier. The reason is something when you wait until the minute, something comes up. Then you are unable to finish/start your work. Then you go to school with undone homework and when you tell your teacher/professor about what happened and why you could not finish it, the teacher does not have any sympathy for you. They tell why did you start it earlier? Why did you wait until the last minute? You don't have a good answer to that so you are left with a "F". We should all tell ourselves I must not procrastinate.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011



Studying can be a pain. One thing you have to remember is to study a little every day. People get very stressed out one day before the test because they have to study the whole chapter in one day. One tip is, after school every day; study the part that you learned in class. When the test comes you already know most of it. Studying for the test should not be as hard. When you keep everything to the last minutes you get stressed out about what to study and not to study. When you study a little every day you are not stressed out the day before the test. Also when you study for the test it is like review because you know most of it.

You should never do this. When you don’t know the answer to a question make your best guess but don’t always chose “C”.

Monday, February 7, 2011


 Teachers/professors are a huge aspect to students. Teachers/professors are the ones that control your grade. They control how hard to make homework, quizzes and most importantly test. One thing to remember is not all teachers/professors are the same. 

You can have a mean teacher/professor that gives lots of homework and gives pop quizzes. Also she/he is unreasonable. She/he only wants the work done her/his way and any other way is incorrect.  

Or you can have a very nice teacher/professor who gives out a reasonable number of problems for homework and the test are hard but doable. She/he stays after class to help students that need help. Also has a wide time range to be available.

Whether you have a nice or mean teacher/professor you have to deal with it. One way to find out if your teacher is mean or nice before meeting them on the first day of class is by going on the website ratemyteacher. Before picking your professor you can go on ratemyprofessor and see what other students that had the teacher thought of them. Those websites give a little view of what the teachers/professors are going to be like and how the class is going to be. Another tip is getting on the good side of you teacher/professor. The way to do that is by going to class every day, asking questions when you don’t know something, and turning in all of your homework. Those are just some ways to get a teacher/professor to like you but if you do that regardless if the teacher/professor is mean or nice they will like you if you take my advice.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Exam Week

Exam week is the most stressful week for students. It is the week that we all try to learn as much as possible in very little time. Exam week is stressful because teachers accept us to know everything we learned through out the year. We have to study everything we learned in one week. We have to remember all the important dates that we knew for test 1,2,3, and all the other tests. One good tip is not to freak out. You already know everything. You just have to remember them again. Studying for the exams should not be very scary, it should be a review of the material you already know. The only hard part of exam week is to remember to have breakfast the morning of the test. Another tip is go to bed early and have all you studies done in the evening. Don’t stay up all night studying because as much people want to believe it works it does not. It just makes you more stressed because you have little hours leave before the final and you have lots of studying left. Last tip is study everyday of the week a little. Don’t leave all the studying for the last day before the final. If you study everyday for about 3 hours, on the last day you will know everything. On the morning of the final remember to have breakfast because taking a final or test with an empty stomach it always bad because during the test or final you are thinking of what to eat after the test is over and you don’t pay attention to the test it self. 
This should be you after you are done with exam week. You should be relieved that final are over and you can party now. You should be happy that the worst has gone and the best is to come.